
How to Boost Your Mental Health After a Heart Attack 

Aug 19, 2024
How to Boost Your Mental Health After a Heart Attack 
Have you or a loved one had a heart attack? This sudden event upends your life for a while. It’s normal to feel temporary depression or anxiety, but we offer some strategies to help boost your mood. 

A heart attack disrupts your life. Your normal daily schedule is upended for some time. You can’t return to work for a while, and you’re likely beginning to try some lifestyle changes. 

The sudden change can bring on anxiety and/or depression. In fact, about 20% of those who have a heart attack become depressed following the event. And 20-30% of heart attack patients suffer post-event anxiety. In half of those patients, anxiety continues for a year.

At Ample Health, board-certified internist Dr. Deeraj Kamra and Yelena Popova, PA, provide post-acute care for patients who have had a heart attack and others who have been hospitalized. 

Our team follows up with you on a regular basis to check on your progress in making recommended dietary and/or lifestyle changes. 

Here are some ways to regain your emotional equilibrium and ease symptoms of anxiety and depression. 

Attend a cardiac rehabilitation program 

Your cardiologist will likely recommend a special cardiac rehab program to help you change some habits that may have contributed to the heart attack. 

Research on these programs shows that joining others who are making changes to their behavior helps elevate your mood and gives you more confidence in the future.  

Treatment with therapy and medication when needed

If you’re significantly anxious or depressed and it’s affecting your ability to function in your work and home life, we can recommend a counselor to help you. You may need temporary medication for a few weeks or months. 

Take daily walks in green spaces if possible

As soon as your cardiologist gives you the green light, take a walk every day. If possible, walk in a park or preserve. Research shows that being surrounded by nature elevates your mood, lowers stress, and even increases empathy. 

Use relaxation and stress management techniques 

Your cardiac rehab program teaches you stress management techniques. Set aside time every day to use them. You’ll learn deep breathing techniques and other relaxation techniques. 

It’s important to learn how to take good care of yourself in lieu of unhealthy coping mechanisms such as smoking, alcohol, or eating excessively. 

Express your feelings 

If you’re used to keeping your feelings bottled up inside until you feel like you could explode, work with a coach or counselor to learn how to express your feelings appropriately at the time you experience them. 

Tell a good friend you can trust or your loved one if you’re having a down day or feel anxious. Naming, expressing, and sharing the feeling can help diminish it. 

Join a support group 

There are many different support groups available to you after your heart attack. We can recommend a group that includes many resources for you and your family or caregiver. You learn that life can be joyful again after a heart attack. 

Resume hobbies and social activities 

We monitor your progress after your heart attack. When you have the green light from your medical team, your continued participation in hobbies and other activities you love helps you recover from temporary depression and/or anxiety. 

For expert post-acute care, call us at Ample Health in Carmichael, California, or book an appointment online today.